Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Ill Again

I can't believe it but I have been ill again. Similar thing as before but more like an allergic reaction and affected all my joints and even the soles of my feet. I guess I'm gonna have to seriously watch what I eat now as it affects me for days and leaves me feeling awful. It is either fish or cooking oil that is affecting me. I had eaten a cooked breakfast from a local department store on Monday and usually the meals are fine. I like runny eggs but they were really fried hard and I had fried bread which I don't normally get and that was fried solid too, when I cut into it and used my fork it shot off my plate. Oh well, I'll soon be over it and back to my usual jolly old self. Oh, I had my hearing tested at work and it's perfect which I am both surprised and pleased about as I have worked in the same noisy factory for the last 25 years!

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