Monday, 1 February 2010

Bling Tooth And Changing Eyesight

I went to the dentist on Thursday to finish my crown. I'm now the proud owner of a silver tooth and it is taking some getting used to, obviously it does feel different but at £200 I'll get used to it.
On Sunday I went to get my contact lense check up and to my amazement, my right eye is getting stronger. It has gone from 3.75 to 2.25 and my lense is going to be changed but not by that much as it will affect my balance. Now I have 3 boxes of unused contact lenses to get through before I get my new box. So every weekend and holidays I have got to wear my contacts!
The diet is sort of on, I've been reading some of the Paul mcKenna book and it does make sense and my eating habits are changing, I can tell already as I'm eating slower and not feeling as hungry as I used to.

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